Therapy Dog Certification
Visiting Therapy Dog Training for Education & Health Settings
Do you want to certify a dog as a visiting therapy dog? To receive the Therapy Dog Training UK - Visitng Therapy Dog Certificate, you need to undertake 3 core steps which we have listed in detail below.
Complete Therapy Dog Training Workshops 1 & 2
To complete this step, you must also submit the two straightforward assignments, both found in Workshop 2. You will also earn 60 Accredited hours too by completing the online workshops!
There is no time limit so you can work through the online courses at your own pace.
Undertake a Therapy Dog Training UK Temperament Assessment
Our Therapy Dog Training UK temperament assessment (ready result) for your dog can be gained via our trusted trainer network, or with a fully qualified dog training or behaviourist in your area, (who we will liaise with).
This should be at least a bi-annual event throughout the working lifetime of your dog to ensure his well-being. After 8 years of age, we would recommend an annual assessment.
Gain the Therapy Dog Training UK Visiting Therapy Dog (dog training) Award
This is the equivalent to a UK Kennel Club Good Citizen Silver Award and the recommended level of training for therapy dogs . The dog training part of the award you can undertake along with your dog's temperament assessment via our UK trusted trainer network. The criteria and respective instructional videos for each training behaviour required are all available to you with lifetime access in Workshops 1 & 2.
Please note: The Therapy Dog Training UK dog training award and the Therapy Dog Training UK dog temperament assessment need to have a ‘ready’ and ‘suitable’ result respectively as well as the other requirements above to receive Therapy Dog Training UK – Visiting Therapy Dog certification.

UK Best Practice Recommendations:
Any active therapy dog is at least 18 months of age.
A Therapy Dog Training UK Temperament assessments can only be undertaken at 18 months. Training can commence prior to this age.
Pre-assessments made prior to this age can only comment on your dog’s training needs NOT his/her temperament. Some people like to have a pre-assessment before they commence on their training journey.
A certificate can only be provided based on a canine temperament assessment at or after the age of 18 months.

Therapy Dog Training UK Uniform
When you have received your Therapy Dog Training UK - Visiting Therapy Dog Certification, you are eligible to purchase a TDT UK uniform for your dog.
This is fully personalised with your dog's name.
You will receive details of how to purchase your dog's uniform as well as a Therapy Dog Training UK polo shirt and hoodie when you have received your certificate.